In the CrosshairsPodcasts

IN THE CROSSHAIRS Episode 10: Ethics of Reality TV


IN THE CROSSHAIRS is the bi-weekly podcast of Crossfader Magazine. With IN THE CROSSHAIRS, the Crossfader editing staff will be diving deep into a specific topic in pop culture at large. This week we’ll be breaking apart the ethics of reality television. In media criticism, reality TV tends to get shunted off into a far, dark corner. Is this really fair? Is there just as much critical analysis due to reality TV as any other kind of TV? Host Carter Moon is doubtful, but sits down here with people much more steeped in reality TV than he is to try to change his mind.

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Thomas Seraydarian
Thomas founded Merry-Go-Round Magazine and acted as Editor-in-Chief until 2020. Now he yells about fish for a living and does Merry-Go-Round's taxes.

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